I grew up on the southeastern coast of India, in the city of Chennai (formerly 'Madras'), and have spent a significant part of my adult life in the USA (North Carolina and the Chesapeake Bay area including Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC) surrounded by family and friends who not only ate and cooked delicious food, but also delighted in talking about it. Biology interests me largely because I am intrigued by how living things function. I received a doctorate degree from Duke University, and completed a research fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University. As much as I am curious about science, gastronomy has been a developing interest. What started as a hobby when I cooked, baked and entertained (and was entertained) has become an inescapable passion; one that took me to France and write a thesis on gastronomy and human interaction; one that made me design and teach a course on the topic at independent high schools and at NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development; and one I hope to write about. This blog is a projection of the everyday moments that remind me of the human element in gastronomy. I look forward to reading your comments.